Proposed Road to Ambler Recommended to be Suspended

As Bill Walker made arrangements to step into office as the new governor of Alaska, more than 250 Alaskans attended a transition conference to lay out a policy roadmap. Amongst the items discussed and recommended, was the suspension of several mega-projects so that they could be closely reviewed to determine if they should go forward. The proposed road to Ambler is one of the projects being recommended for suspension.


“In one classroom at UAA, the fiscal policy committee recommended temporary suspension of several mega-projects and a state corporation so they could be closely reviewed by the governor to determine if they should go forward in the new and challenging fiscal environment, said Brian Rogers, the head of that committee and chancellor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.


Those projects were listed on a large tear sheet at the front of the room as the Knik Arm Bridge, the Juneau Access Road, the Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline, the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project, the Ambler Access Road, and the Alaska Aerospace Corp.”  You can read the full article here.